Curated by Evan Senn
Exhibition: November 1 - December 15, 2018
Reception: Thursday November 1, 5-8pm
The GWC Art Gallery at Golden West College is proud to present “The Art of the Self,” a fine art exhibition opening November 1, 2018 that will examine the traditional practice of self-portraiture through the lens and eyes of contemporary artists, exploring the significance of the age-old tradition and the therapeutic power held within.
Portraiture was pioneered by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, but the importance of individuality grew in popularity after the Renaissance and with it self-portraiture exploded into genre of its own because of the preoccupation with personal salvation and self-scrutiny. Today, self-portraiture still thrives as a means of practicing techniques for artists as well as exercising self-examination and introspection. There is nothing more intimate than our own perspective on ourselves. A self-portrait can be a visual analysis of yourself, a coping mechanism, an emotional check-in, or it can be documentation of a specific time in your life.
In “The Art of the Self” we asked over 40 different talented contemporary artists to create self-portraits in whatever style and medium they deem appropriate. With sculpture, painting, drawing, photography and printmaking, these artists are exploring the tradition of the self-portrait—how they see themselves internally and externally, literally and metaphorically.
Exhibiting artists will include: Kent Twitchell, Catherine Kaleel, Kevin Stewart-Magee, Bret Price, Sarah Elise Abramson, Parker Jackson, F. Scott Hess, Jennifer King, Michael Ziobrowski, Parker Day, Devora Orantes, Suzanne Walsh, Michael C. Hsiung, Yuki Toy, Timothy Robert Smith, Kerri Sabine-Wolf, Suzanne Shifflett, Tony Pinto, Peter Zokosky, Shay Bredimus, Serena Potter, Kevin Nocerino, Dwora Fried, Matthew Hance, Michelle Lepori, Virginia Broersma, Andres Saucedo, James Thistlethwaite, Chloe Allred, Eric L. Jones, Jane Brucker, Amy Runyen, Ana Sanchez, Kristine Schomaker, Yevgeniya Mikhailik, Juliana Rico, Sara Haase, Jillian Vondy, Robin Johnson, Jennie Cotterill, Bradford J. Salamon, Sydney Walters, Sandy Bradley, Ray Vargas, Adam DeVito, and more.
GWC Art Gallery
15751 Gothard St., Huntington Beach, CA 92647